Friday, March 4, 2011

Journal #4 (NETS I, III, IV, V)

LastSchaffhauser, D. (2010, December 01). It's time to trust teachers with the internet: a conversation with meg ormiston. Retrieved from

This is a very surprising article, I had no idea that their was restrictions on internet usage to this extent in schools.  I am a little bit older then many of my classmates, so when I was in school there was not much internet to block.  The internet is such a wealth of resources and information that I have a hard time understanding why schools would restrict any of the access by teachers what so ever.  There is a lot of bad material on the internet, so I understand restrictions on much of what the students have access to, but it is strange that teachers would not have access.  A lot of what we have been doing in our EDUC 422, is becoming knowledgeable in the National Educational Technology Standards for Teacher, or NETS T's, and in light of what we have been learning, it is odd that we would have any restrictions to web access.  If we are trusted with 30 children most of the day everyday, it seems only logical to extend to us the responsibility of safe internet usage.  The person in the interview makes a great point we she says how part of teaching internet usage is teaching proper responsible internet usage.  There are many schools that rely solely on outside help for all things technical, that is why it is important to stay abreast of technological developments.  The more we know and understand technology, the better we can be advocates for it in our schools.

Question:  Wht role will internet usage play in your class room?

Answer:  I see myself using the internet daily for most discussion points, and presentations.  Every time we do something online in class for a subject other then technology, we are teaching a duel lesson.

Question:  How will you as an educator be an advocate for less restrictive internet usage, or will you at all?

Answer:  I will stay well informed and tech savvy, in order to make a clear intelligible case for internet usage.      

Journal #2- Join The Flock & Enhance Your Twitter Experiance (NETS I, III, IV, & V

Ferguson, H. (2010). Join the flock!. Learning and Leading, 37(8), Retrieved from
McClintock Miller, S. (2010). Enhance your twitter experience. Learning and Leading, 37(8), Retrieved from

Being that I am a person who does not have a cell phone, I have to admit that twitter was a completely foreign concept to me going into these articles.  I did not even know enough about what it was to be one of those people who hate it.  These articles do a good job not only explaining how to go about maintaining and navigating a twitter feed, it also does a good job explaining why I would care to know how to maintain and operate a twitter feed. The first article is a little intimidating, in that she talks about how much upkeep or activity is required to get value from being a twitter-er.  I can definitely see using it once I am a teacher and wanting to network and develop teaching strategies.  The second article had a lot of good tip, I really liked the definitions, or twitter twerminology as it is so tritely referred to as.  I also had no idea twitter could twranslate foreign languages. The personal learning network, or PLN, does seem like a great tool for getting at good learning resources.  Trying to search at random on the internet will waist a lot of time that a PLN could save you, because everyone knows of some cool website that someone else has never heard of.  At the end of the second article she talks about something called a bookmarklet.  That sounds like a great way to keep track of all this educational technology.  
Question: Now that you know about twitter, do you see yourself using this in the future?

Answer: I would possibly use it in the future, but realistically, by the time I am ready to build a PLN network, there should be another more innovative internet tool available.
Question:  What do you think about twitter?

Answer:   It seems like a great tool, but a little bit time consuming.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Journal #3: One Hundred Things that make me happy.(NETS II & V)

My 100 Happy no particular order

1. Music
2. Concerts
3. My cat Fox
4. My friends
5. Beer
6. Good books
7. My mom
8. Building sand castles
9. Sea life
10. Snow boarding
11. The rain
12. Movies
13. Ice cream
14. Lightning
15. Octopus
16. Vegetarianism
17. Espresso
18. Writing
19. Exercise
20. Eating
21. Dinosaurs
22. Traveling
23. Road trips
24. Conversation
25. Making new friends
26. Thai food
27. Surfing
28. Skating
29. Cats
30. Animals
31. Llamas
32. Ocean smell
33. General admission
34. Dirty punk rock kids
35. Mac 'n' cheese
36. Hunting accidents
37. Fog
38. Robots
39. Ladies
40. Graffiti
41. Sunrise
42. Sunset
43. Bella
44. Tom Waits
45. Crass
46. The Subhumans
47. Lines for concerts
48. Full elevators
49. Bonfires
50. Old school
51. Argyle
52. Free art
53. Free music
54. Malcolm X's orations
55. Yoga
56. Textures
57. Black
58. Nag champa
59. Dancing
60. Singing
61. Strangers
62. The Virgen De Guadalupe
63. Tattoos
64. Vodka
65. Old cars
66. Gardening
67. Whittling
68. Marbles
69. Chop Sticks
70. Dropped D tuning
71. Nina Simone
72. Black and White art
73. Negatopian books
74. Socialism
75. Saffron
76. Parties
77. Gun control
78. Taxes
79. Public Services
80. Bush being out of office
81. Niel Young
82. Glass
83. Metal
84. Water
85. Swimming
86. The Ocean
87. My little sister
88. My little brother
89. Breakfast for dinner
90. Denny's at three a.m.
91. Hawaii
92. Caves
93. Exploring
94. Crowded cities
95. Wilderness
96. Kissing
97. Laughing
98. Making others laugh
99. San Diego
100. Stars

Journal # 1- Do WEB 2.0 Right (NETS I & IV)

Light, D. (2011). Do web 2.0 right. Learning and Leading, 38(5), Retrieved from

"Do web 2.0 Right" is an article by Daniel Light that explores the ways web 2.0 tools are being used in the classroom.  Web 2.0 tools are said to be tools such as wikis and blogs.  These tools can facilitate educational discussions and assignments outside of the classroom.
Daniel Light, the author of the article and her colleague Deborah Polin traveled around to different schools to find out how real teachers were using this technology.  The author breaks down the ways that teachers are using this technology into three categories, the first being instituting daily practice, the second is carefully considering the audience,  and the third is teaching and enforcing appropriate behavior. 
Most of the teachers interviewed reported that they had greater success with a class blog, rather then individual student blogs.  Blogs had more success when the teacher used them primarily as a one on one communication tool.  Many kids are not comfortable creating their own personal blog that is subject to the scrutiny of their peers.  The teachers also express concerns over who is viewing and commenting on student blogs.  It is important to monitor all blog activity to insure healthy safe web use.
These tools are a great technique for extending learning to outside the classroom, as well as creating a way to further develop a bond between the teacher and student.  Web communication allows students the freedom and creativity to express them selves in ways they may not be able to in school.

Question #1   What would you use Blogs for in the class?
Answer   I think it would be very productive to require a weekly journal kept in blog form.  A chance for the student to reflect on their week, both school life and home life.  Although the content is not really that important, the process of writing and reflecting will help develop many crucial skills.
Question #2  How would you monitor student safety on their blogs?
Answer  As a teacher who uses blogs it will be important to read the blog entries to ensure that all topics and responses are appropriate.  I do think it is important to establish trust by allowing a little freedom to control and operate their own blog, but over site is also necessary to ensure their is no harassment, or inappropriate things taking place.